OFS Transparency Return | Health Sciences University

OFS Transparency Return

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Transparency Data

As a Higher Education provider registered with the Office for Students (OfS) we are required to provide transparency data on specific areas regarding undergraduate applications, offers, acceptances and registrations as well as attainment information.

The information published on these pages shows:

The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.

It shows these numbers by reference to:

  • The gender of the individuals to which they relate
  • Their ethnicity
  • Their socioeconomic background

It is important to note that the data presented has not been contextualised. This means, for example, that you will not be able to see from this data how many of those applying to courses met the entry criteria. It is also the case that universities and colleges will often receive many more applications than they have spaces on courses and so offer rates will necessarily be lower than application rates in those circumstances.

Full details of the applications, offers, acceptances and registrations: 2021-22 entrants data can be accessed by downloading the OFS Transparency Information PDF from Health Sciences University.

Table 1a: Percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristic for 2021-22 qualifiers.

Table 1b Attainment 2021-22 – This worksheet contains table 1b which relates to attainment at the provider. This table presents detailed information on attainment by characteristics for 2021-22 qualifiers.

Further information

N/A – Not applicable as no applicants to this mode of study
N – 24 or fewer students in this population
DP – Data suppressed for data protection reasons

The data contained in the tables in this workbook have been rounded and suppressed as

Numerators and denominators have been rounded to the nearest 10. Where the numerator or denominator rounds to 20 or less, the data are suppressed with an “N”. Percentages are rounded according to the smallest, unsuppressed denominator in a given mode and characteristic. If the denominator rounds to:
– 50 or less: percentages are rounded to 5%
– 1000 or less: percentages are rounded to 1%
– More than 1000: percentages are rounded to 0.1%

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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