MChiro (Hons) International Entry Requirements | Health Sciences University

MChiro (Hons) International Entry Requirements

MChiro (Hons) International Entry Requirements

A detailed list of international entry requirements for the Master of Chiropractic MChiro (Hons).

For those of you coming study at Health Sciences University from outside the UK, take a look at our handy qualification tool to see what we accept. If you’re studying a qualification that’s not on the list, give us a call or send us your enquiry on the form below.

Please note that to be considered for entry into year 1 of the MChiro course you will need to have undertaken study in Biology/Human Biology as part of your qualification. If you have not studied Biology/Human Biology you will be considered for entry into year 0.

For more information on language requirements, see English Language Requirements.





Reifesprufung OR Matura from Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schulen

Enlish Language Requirements

Reifezeugnis/Maturazeugnis: 2 (both written and spoken parts must be completed)

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 3 (befriedigend-satisfactory)

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 2 (Gut-Good) to include Biology



Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs  OR Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur

English Language Requirement

Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur: 8 or 80% or grote onderscheiding/ avec grande distinction

Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs: 16/20

Entry to Year 0

Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur: 6 out of 10 or 60% overall

Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs: 14/20

Entry to Year 1

Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur: 7 out of 10 or 70% overall to include Biology

Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs: 16/20 to include Biology



Apolytirion of Lykeio (Greek) & Devlet Lise Diplomasi

English Language Requirement

Apolytirion: 17 in English Language

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 16 in the Apolytirion OR average of Grade 8.5 or above in Devlet Lise Diplomasi

Entry to Year 1

Average of 18 in the Apolytirion. Devlet Lise Diplomasi not accepted.

Czech Republic


Maturitni Zkouska OR Maturita

English Language Requirement

Maturitni Zkouška / Maturita:

1 výborný (excellent)

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 3

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 2 and no less than 2 in all subjects to include Biology



Bevis for Studentereksamen OR Bevis for Hojere Forberedeiseseksamen

English Language Requirement

Studentereksamen: grade of 7 in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 7

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 10 to include Biology



Gumnaasium Ioputunnistus together with Riigieksammid (state exams)

English Language Requirement


Entry to Year 0

Average of Grade 3.5 from 5 subjects inc Grade 65 in 3 State Examinations

Entry to Year 1

Average of Grade 5 from 5 subjects inc Grade 75 in 3 State Examinations to include Biology




English Language Requirement

Studentexamen: grade 5 or above

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 4

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 5 to include Biology



French Baccalaureat

English Language Requirement

Baccalauréat: grade of 10 in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 12

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 14 to include Biology




English Language Requirement

Abitur: grade of 10 in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 3

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 2 to include Biology



Apolytirion of Lykeio

English Language Requirement

Apolyterion of Lykeio: 19/20 or above in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 16

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 18 to include Biology



Stúdentspróf (Matriculation Certificate)

English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 6/10

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 8/10 to include Biology



Esame Di Stato

English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

Average of 75%

Entry to Year 1

Average of 85% to include Biology




English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

Average of 5/6

Entry to Year 1

Average of 5.5/6 to include Biology



Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)

English Language Requirement

VWO: Grade 8 in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 6.5

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 7.25 to include Biology




English Language Requirement

Grade 4 in English language

Entry to Year 0

Overall grade of 4

Entry to Year 1

Overall grade of 4.5 to include Biology



Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (New Matura)

English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

65% or above to include 60% or above in two extended level subjects

Entry to Year 1

75% or above, with 75% or above in two extended level subjects to include Biology



Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundários

English Language Requirement

Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundários: 14 or above in English language

Entry to Year 0


Entry to Year 1

17/20 to include Biology



Diploma de Bacalaureat

English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

Average grade of 7

Entry to Year 1

Average grade of 8 to include Biology



Titulo de Bachiller

English Language Requirement

Titulo de Bachiller: Grade 8 or above in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average of Grade 6

Entry to Year 1

Average of Grade 7.5 to include Biology



Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola

English Language Requirement

Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola: VG (Very Good) in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average of G or C

Entry to Year 1

Average of VG or B to include Biology



Maturitatzeugnis.French speaking – Maturité Cantonale OR German speaking – Kantonale Maturität

English Language Requirement

Maturitatzeugnis/Maturité Cantonale/Kantonale Maturität: Grade 5 or above in English language

Entry to Year 0

Average of 4.5/6. Sufficient or Genugend

Entry to Year 1

Average of 5/6. Tres Bien or Sehr Gut to include Biology


North America


High School Diploma

Diplome d’Etudes Collegiales (DEC)

English Language Requirement

High School Diploma: 60% in English Language

Entry to Year 0

60% average from 5 grade 12 subjects

Entry to Year 1

75% average from 5 grade 12 subjects including  Biology

60% min in Biology


High School Graduation Diploma

SAT (admissions test)

ACT (admissions test)

Advanced Placements (AP)

English Language Requirement

C Grade in High School Diploma

SAT 600 in English subjects

GED 600 in English subjects

AP Grade 3 or above

Entry to Year 0

High School (GPA 2.8/4) + SAT 1 (combined scores of 1800)

SAT 2 (600 each in 3 subjects relevant to the degree subject being applied for)


High School (GPA 2.8/4) + 2 APs (Grade 4 or above)

Entry to Year 1

High School (GPA 3.4/4) + SAT 1 (combined scores of 1800)

or SAT 2 (600 each in 3 subjects relevant to the degree subject being applied for)


High School (GPA 3.4/4) + 2 APs (Grade 4 or above)

Whatever combination, must include Biology


Hong Kong


Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKSDE).

English Language Requirement

HKDSE: grade of 4 in English language, including 4 in each component.

Entry to Year 0

Grades of 544

Entry to Year 1

Grades of 555 to include Biology




Standard XII (also called HSC, SSC, ISC & 10+2)

English Language Requirement

Standard XII: 70% or above in English language

If taking Standard X (10) CBSE/ICSE 75%=GCSE Grade C and 80%=Grade B




Karnataka board

Other boards require IELTS

Entry to Year 0

CBSE, ISC, Tamil Nadu & Maharashtra Boards:

67% from 5 subjects

All other state boards:

77% overall

Entry to Year 1

CBSE, ISC, Tamil Nadu & Maharashtra Boards:

75% from 5 subjects to include Biology

All other state boards:

85% overall to include Biology





English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

7 out of 10 (or 70 out of 100).  Grades of  6 and above in 6 subjects should be obtained.

Entry to Year 1

8 out of 10 (or 80 out of 100) to include Biology.  Grades of  7 and above in 6 subjects should be obtained.




Diploma and Matriculation

English Language Requirement

IELTS required

Entry to Year 0

GPA 2.6/4

Entry to Year 1

GPA 3.2/4 to include Biology


South Africa


National Senior Certificate (NSC)

IEB Board

Top 5 subjects

English Language Requirement

National Senior Certificate (NSC): Grade 3 or above in English language

Entry to Year 0

66555 (Nothing less than 3)

Entry to Year 1

66666 (Nothing less than 3) to include Biology




English Language requirements

To be accepted onto the MChiro course you will need to demonstrate that you meet the minimum standards of English.

Find out more about our English Language requirements.

We may be able to consider other English language qualifications, call or email our Admissions team and they will be happy to help. Try to book your language tests as early in the year as you can, just in case re-sits are needed.


Additional Entry requirements

If you live outside of the UK, you’ll need a certificate of criminal record from the relevant national police authority in the country you’re currently living in. Speak with your national police authority to get this done. This can be submitted after your UCAS application.

We will also need scanned copies of all transcripts and certificates listed on your UCAS application. If these are not in English, we’ll need a verified translation as well as the originals. Don’t worry about this just yet, you can send all of these to our Admissions team after you’ve submitted your UCAS application.

In countries where there is a recognised National Chiropractic Association and/or statutory regulatory requirements, applicants to our Chiropractic Programmes are responsible for ensuring that, if they wish to practice in their home country, they fulfil all requirements imposed by the National Association.

Find more information about our admissions policies and procedures, including our Admissions Complaints and Appeals Policy on our latest policies page.

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for here and would like to contact our admissions team, please complete the form below or call us on (+44) 1202 436200.


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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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