Meet the HSUSU | Health Sciences University

Meet the HSUSU

Who we are and what we do

The Students’ Union team are here to help you get the best out of your University experience. As a team, we are responsible for representing and amplifying your voice, and the voices of all students at Health Sciences University.

We work hard to make your time at the University one you’ll never forget. Our role is to serve you, the student. We aim to do this by improving all areas of your University life, ranging from hosting social events to liaising with the faculty, to maintaining the University gym and organising the sports teams and social clubs.

We are here to support you, so do not hesitate to contact us through email, social media or (when we are able to again) pop by our office on the top floor of the main building via the central staircase.

Mollie (a former SU President) gives an overview of the role of the HSUSU in this short video.

Meet the Students’ Union members

The HSUSU currently comprises 9 team members, Rhianydd, Louie, Alexander, Tom Hengstman, Silja, Tom Hann, Issy and Harpa.

Rhianydd runs the SU team and organises our day to day activities. Rhianydd is the only employed member of the Union so her role is to provide guidance and support. Rhianydd can be found in the SU office and is always available to answer any questions or queries you may have about starting at Health Sciences University and what student life will be like.

SU Manager: Rhianydd Lewis

Louie Jekinson

SU President: Louie Jenkinson


SU Sport: Charlotte Wigley


SU Press & Comms: Tom Hengstman


SU International: Merle van Beest


SU Social: Jenniina Kuoppala


SU VP Enrichment: Finley Christie


SU VP Education: Issy Mitchell


Find out what your Student Union can do for you

From academic support to HSUSU representation in various committees and meetings. Your Student Union is here for you.


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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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