Academic Advice & Student Representation | Health Sciences University

Academic Advice & Student Representation

Academic support and representation provided by our Students’ Union

Find out more about the academic support provided by our Students’ Union and how they represent you on various committees and meetings.

Academic Support

If you think you are eligible to be granted an extension or you have a circumstance mitigating you from submitting a work within a deadline or from being present during an examination, please refer to the appropriate forms.

You can also contact our Student Services team who will be able to provide you with various means of academic support. They can direct you to our Study Skills tutor who can help you develop your academic skills for both written work and presentations. We also have an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) lecturer on campus to help those of you whose first language isn’t English and may need help to improve it to a higher level.

Download our Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure

Download our Exceptional Circumstances Policy

Student Representation & Voice

At Health Sciences University we welcome student input on all levels.

If you wish to represent the student body at Health Sciences University then running for a position on the Students’ Union is a great opportunity to do this. Alternatively, you can become a Course Rep which involves going to committee meetings and feeding back the voice of the students on your course. Each cohort can have two representatives – to put yourself forward please email

You can have your voice heard through your course rep, the Students’ Union or through the regular student voice workshops.

The Health Sciences University Student Charter

Our Mission Statement is to achieve a healthier society through education, research and clinical care.

To achieve our Mission Statement we need to work within a partnership with our students and state the following precepts of the ethos of our Institution in this Student Charter.


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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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