Additional Costs | Health Sciences University

Additional Costs

Students having a conversation

Important information and additional costs

In addition to your Tuition Fees and living costs there are a number of items which you will be required or recommended to purchase in order to get the maximum benefit from the course. There may also be some unusual or surprising conditions about your course to consider before applying or accepting out offer.

These are outlined in the documents below.  

Costs may change per year

Please note: Additional costs may be subject to change year on year together with some requirements.

For any questions please contact

Please find important information and additional costs documents relating to our courses below:

AECC School of Chiropractic
Health Business School
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
The Centre for Workforce and Systems Innovation
UCO School of Osteopathy

Occupational Health Requirements

Health Sciences University requires all our clinical students to complete a health clearance check by the Dorset Occupational Health Department before starting their course. This is to ensure that students are declared fit to study and practice.

Your Occupational Health check costs vary depending on the number of additional vaccines you need and how much your doctor charges for completing the form.

Occupational Health Requirements

Students conversating in Cavendish House

Student Finances

Calculate the cost of your studies

Explore how you can fund your studies with us, from student loans, bursaries and scholarships and advice on living costs.


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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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