Wenona graduated, as a mature student, from Health Sciences University (AECC School of Chiropractic) with a first in Master of Chiropractic. Previous experiences are embedded within a diverse background of, for example, working within the healthcare sector; developing a successful martial arts academy, having been an Muay Thai Instructor; running businesses; fund raising for military charities; racing powerboats alongside being a proud mother of four amazing individuals.
Since becoming a full-time lecturer, Wenona has held, and enjoyed, the roles of Unit Lead for a variety of different areas, such as Clinical Chiropractic and Professionalism, Year Lead in Gateway to Chiropractic, and Foundation Year Course Lead. In addition, Wenona is academic lead on a number of different fields such as Personal Support Tutors, Admissions, Offer Holder Days, EDI, and supporting Clinic Placement students in outreach opportunities.
Away from her role of lecturer with Health Sciences University, Wenona has established Southampton Chiropractic Clinic with her daughter, Triniti Dancy, who is also a graduate of the AECC School of Chiropractic.
Areas of Interest
Wenona has a particular interest in the continued development of a community based on facilitating equality, diversity, inclusivity and equity. She has experienced first-hand the impact exclusivity presents and recognises the importance of empowering individuals to support them to achieve.
- MChiro – 1st degree honours
- PG Cert Health Sciences Education – Distinction
- Generatl Chiropractic Council
- British Chiropractic Association
- Royal College of Chiropractors
Wenona is Foundation Year Course Lead for Health Sciences University (incorporating both Bournemouth and London campuses and both the AECC School of Chiropractic and Health and Rehabilitation school); MChiro Clinical Chiropractic Unit Lead and Professionalism within the AECC SoC.