Thomas Bennett | Health Sciences University

Thomas Bennett

MSc BSc PGCHE - Senior Lecturer and Course Leader

Thomas Bennett joined the School of Rehabilitation, Sport, and Psychology in 2020 as Senior Lecturer and Course Leader on the MSc in Sport and Exercise Rehabilitation and the MSc Sport Rehabilitation and Therapy.


Before joining Health Sciences University, Thomas held the posts of Programme Director and Senior Lecturer Academic within Higher Education. As an Allied Health Professional (AHP), he has over 16 years of experience working with both professional and amateur athletes across a range of sports and clinical settings. More recently he has added coaching to his resume working with British Triathlon and Triathlon England amassing over 25 professional podium results and coaching winners of Ironman UK and Ironman Wales.

Current Activity

Thomas is Senior Lecturer and Course Leader on the MSc Sport Rehabilitation and Therapy.

Areas of Interest

Thomas’s research interests include super-elite athletes pathways, training load monitoring and hamstring injuries.



  • BSc Sport Rehabilitation and Sport Science.
  • MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine


  • Senior Fellowship Higher Education Academy


  • 2019-2023 PhD Candidate (Bournemouth University) – An Exploratory Study into Elite Athlete Transitions into Secondary Careers: A Repertory Grid Approach.




2020 – Sport Kongress (Copenhagen, Denmark) What is the minimum dose-response for high-intensity plyometrics for Academy Rugby Union players? – Invited Poster Presentation.

2019 – SPARC Early Career Researcher conference – Invited speaker – What do we know about transitional experiences.

2007 – ACSM Annual Conference (New Orleans, USA) Lumber Spine Stabilization in Response to an Unexpected Lower Limb Perturbation in both LBP and Normal Populations (Poster Presentation).

Bennett, T. & Greenhalf, P. Does Electromyography Trunk Muscle Response to a Sudden Lower Limb Perturbation Differ with Chronic LBP, Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise (2007), 39 (5), pp1669.

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