Nik Nunn | Health Sciences University

Nik Nunn

BSc MSc - Clinic Tutor

Nik Nunn graduated from Health Sciences University in 1991 and has been a practising Chiropractor since. Nik returned to HSU in 2015 as a Clinic Tutor teaching the role of audit in a clinical setting and research for case studies.

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Nik Nunn graduated from Health Sciences University in 1991 and has been a practising Chiropractor since. He has experience of owning his own practice and working as an associate in other clinics in England, Scotland, Wales and Spain. He went on to complete his postgraduate masters in 2000. While in practice he started part-time Clinic Tutor work at WIOC in 2004- 2008. He also has seven (1999-2006) years’ experience as an examiner in the test of competence run by the General Chiropractic Council.

Current Activity

Nik returned to teaching in 2015 as a Clinic Tutor within the School of Chiropractic at Health Sciences University. He currently teaches the role of audit in a clinical setting and research for case studies

Area of Interest

Areas of interest include chiropractic techniques including Diversified, SOT, Thompson technique, audit and its value, Chiropractic research.



  • BSc Chiropractic degree
  • MSc degree
  • Fellow of College of Chiropractic.


  • British Chiropractic Association
  • General Chiropractic Council
  • Royal College of Chiropractors
  • British Pteridological society.


Research areas of interest include low back pain and how it is classified with regards to duration, intensity and function; sports injuries and their mechanism.



Clinic Tutor at Health Sciences University.



Nunn N.R., Dyce J.W. and Parker Dodd I. (1997). Repetitive strain injury to the foot in Elite women Kendoka British Journal of Sport Medicine. 31 1-3.

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