Jeni Bremner joined as an Independent Governor in October 2019 and in April 2020 became Chair of the Board of Governors. She is also Chair of the Governance & Nominations Committee and sits on the Finance & Performance Committee. Jeni graduated from Leeds University and, after then training as a Nurse, worked with People with HIV and AIDs setting up support and services in the 1980’s and 1990’s. She gained an MSc in Health Economics in the mid 90’s and returned to work in the NHS as a policy advisor. In 1997 Jeni was seconded to the Local Government Association where she spent ten years leading the health and social care agenda and was a member of the LGA Board. In 2007 she moved to Brussels as Chief Executive of the European Health Management Association, a pan European membership organisation that focused on innovation and good practice in health management and health management education. In 2016 she gave up work to care for her Stepfather who had Alzheimer’s during which time she also became deputy chair of Southern Health Foundation Trust.
Jeni Bremner
Independent Governor
Jeni Bremner joined as an Independent Governor in October 2019 and in April 2020 became Chair of the Board of Governors.