Sherril is a HCPC registered Diagnostic Radiographer with 18years of clinical experience gained in South Africa and the UK. In 2001 Sherril took up the position of a Senior Lecturer and later as Associate Professor in Radiography at Kingston University and St Georges University of London. She has extensive teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and was the postgraduate programme director for a number of years. In addition, Sherril served as the Education and training officer for the International Association of Forensic Radiographers and was a member of the UKFRRT (UK forensic radiographers response team).
After leaving St Georges University she took up a position as Education manager for InHealthgroup Ltd, delivering their MsC Breast Imaging and mammography associate apprenticeship programmes.
Current Activity
Sherril joined Health Sciences University in 2023 to lead the Radiography programme as an Associate Professor.
Experience & areas of interest 
Experience & areas of interest
- Trauma and skeletal Radiography
- Image interpretation
- Interventional Radiography
- Forensic radiography
- EdD -professional doctorate in Education,
- MSc Clinical Reporting
- PgC teaching and learning
- HND Radiotherapy
- HND Diagnostic Radiography
Contact details 
Contact details
- Email:
- HCPC registered Diagnostic Radiographer
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of the Society of Radiographers
Research interests 
Research interests
- Interprofessional Collaboration
- Radiographic clinical reporting and advanced practice
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Forensic Radiography
- Motivation
- Augmented Reality in Healthcare: can it bridge the theory to practice gap.
- Diagnostic Radiographer perceptions of interprofessional collaboration.
- Is it still a genuine occupational requirement to have a female only mammographic workforce.
Spencer, S., Zelenyanszki, C., Strudwick, R and Mizzi, D (2023) Is it still a genuine occupational requirement to have a female only mammographic workforce? Guest Editorial. Radiography 29 pp.1121-1122
Zelenyanszki, C., Vertenten, C., Hudson, D., Currie, R., Spencer. S (2022) Experienced Assistant Practitioners’; expansion of scope of practice: NHS breast screening programme; acceptability; resilience. Radiography 28 pp.973-980
Spencer, S. (2018) Professional Autonomy. Presentation: Nigerian Radiographers Conference, London Spencer, S. (2017) Forensic Radiography. Presentation: BCU conference and Jobs fair. Birmingham. UK
Spencer, S., Viner, M. (2016) Responsibilities of the Radiographer in NAI. Presentation and abstract. ISFR. Amsterdam.
Spencer, S., Hendry, J., Casanova, D. (2016) Augmented Reality in Healthcare: can it bridge the theory to practice gap. Presentation: Festival of Learning. Kingston.UK
Amos, H., Spencer, S. (2014) Cervical carcinoma: Imaging and treatment. Imaging and therapy practice. Deeson group.
Spencer, S. (2014) Diagnostic radiography students’ perceptions of interprofessional collaboration. Poster presentation. Excellence in Radiography education and research conference. Bristol. UK.
Sharrock, C., Kennedy, D., Spencer, S. (2012) Qualitative exploration of patients’ expectations, experiences and determinants of satisfaction in metacarpophalangeal arthroplasty. Poster presentation. BAHT. Brighton. UK
Sharrock, C., Kennedy, D., Spencer, S. (2012) Qualitative exploration of patients’ expectations, experiences and determinants of satisfaction in metacarpophalangeal arthroplasty. Abstract. Sage Journals.
Spencer, S. (2008) Brooke. R., Jeffrey et al, Diagnostic Imaging: Emergency. Book review. Radiography 14 e91. Elsevier Saunders. Spencer, S., Kramer. Z. (2007) How to diagnose and treat HCC. UK: Synergy