Dr Mandy Banton BA (Hons) History, BSc (Hons) Osteopathy, PGCACE, D. Prof (Osteopathy)
Mandy completed her Professional Doctorate in Osteopathy in 2019, submitting a thesis about the lived experience of cranial osteopathy. Two papers published within the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 2023 present the findings of the thesis, which was entitled ‘Making sense of cranial osteopathy: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis’. She has presented the findings of this research at the Rollin Becker Memorial Lecture in London in 2021, and at the Nordic Osteopathic Congress in Copenhagen in 2022.
Mandy’s ongoing research interests are in the field of the philosophy of medicine and healthcare, and she currently works as lecturer and Research & Development Officer at the London School of Osteopathy. She also continues to practice as an osteopath in a multi-disciplinary clinic in the North-East of England.
Publications Book chapters/Peer reviewed articles