After Dr. Humaira Khan gained her BSc in Psychology from London, she moved to Poole where she worked as a Research Psychologist. Humaira then moved into education and teaching, starting at Bournemouth and Poole College teaching A-Level Sociology, Psychology and BTEC HSC/Child Development.
Dr. Humaira Khan became Head of Department for Psychology for 10 years at Purbeck School in Wareham and then Curriculum Lead in Health and Social Care at an academy in Salisbury for 4 years. She has also lectured Health Promotion at Solent University and was an academic marker for AQA Psychology.
In 2018, Humaira moved to full time HE lecturing at Bournemouth University as Lecturer in Health Sciences with the Department of Nursing, where she took on the role of Interim Deputy Head of Department for 6 months and Global Engagement Lead. Dr. Humaira was an Academic Advisor, a member of Athena Swan and the Women’s Academic Network, was on the REF panel and the Science and Health Ethics panel.
Humaira peer review’s for the Journal of Clinical Nursing, is an assistant examiner for Coventry and Portsmouth University, and is a Bank Rehabilitation Assistant at Alderney Hospital.
Current Activity
Dr. Humaira Khan has a broad area of interest around Psychology, health promotion and behaviour change and the use of simulators in health education. She has worked with addicts in Bournemouth within her research psychologist role and has an interest in the impact of addiction on health particularly for pregnant woman.
She has also worked with Poole Maternity Unit to set up the SSIPSIG forum (Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Steering Information Group) and is collaborating on smoking cessation research. She also has research collaborations with Essential Drug and Alcohol Service (EDAS) and has run carers events on teratogenesis impacts to the baby.
- BSc Psychology 2:1
- Certificate of Masters in Applied Psychology
- Further and Adult Education Teaching Certificate
- PGCE Psychology
- Doctor of Professional Practice- Health and Education Psychology
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy
- British Psychological Societ
- Use of drug and alcohol neonate simulators as creative pedagogy toolkit with multi-disciplinary professionals and undergraduates.
- Neonate simulators and digital storyboards of the lived narratives of pregnant addicts and their carers.
- Smoking cessation in pregnancy and the development of a smart wearable device to assist behaviour change.
- Khan, H., Dray, R. and Pourzanjani, P. (2024). Neonate simulators: creatively engaging social work students in understanding risks of substance use during pregnancy. British Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcae054.
- Hatton, K., Redcliffe, J., Maegusuku-Hewett, T. and Khan, H. (in press). Creativity and Simulation in social work and health education. Social Work Education
- Khan, H. and Hewitt-Taylor, J. (forthcoming 2024). The ‘things I need to know but wasn’t told’: Knowledge Exchange Research as an assets-based approach to empowering care experienced young people. RSPH Public Health.
- Khan, H. and Lim-H-J.(forthcoming 2024). Using creative learning methods for social work professionals: Digital stories and neonate simulators. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
- Khan, H., Hitchcox, R. and Hewitt-Taylor, J. (forthcoming 2024). Piloting young people’s harm reduction education on shaken baby syndrome as a driver for health promotion: a contemporary issue. MIDRS
- Khan,H. and Pourzanjani, P (2022). Facilitating teaching and learning of teratogens: Using alcohol and drug neonate simulators in further and higher education. Psychology Teaching Review; 28(1):48-58. ISSN: 0965-948X
- Khan, H and Cescutti-Butler, L (2021). Enhancing undergraduate midwifery: using drug and alcohol baby simulators in education. British Journal of Midwifery, 29(11):620-626.
- Hussain (Khan), H., Jomeen, J., Hayter, M and Tweheyo, R (2019). Implications for school nurses using simulator dolls to manage unplanned teen pregnancy. British Journal of School Nurses; 14(4): 177-187.