Dr Alister du Rose graduated from Health Sciences University as a chiropractor in 2009. After several years in clinical practice, he returned to the University in 2012 to undertake his PhD in spinal biomechanics, which he successfully completed in 2016. Upon completing his studies, Alister worked as a Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the Master of Chiropractic course at the University of South Wales, before returning to his roots at Health Sciences University in January 2020.
Current Activity
Alister is the Research Lead for the AECC School of Chiropractic, and is involved in ongoing research in the areas of spinal biomechanics, low back pain and chiropractic education. He is also the Access and Participation Lead, and a Senior Lecturer within the department. Alister teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and is a doctoral supervisor.
- BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences
- Master of Chiropractic
- Post Graduate Certificate (Chiropractic)
- PhD (Spinal Biomechanics)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractors
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Research Fellow Health Sciences University.
- Research interests include: Musculoskeletal, Spinal Biomechanics, Low Back Pain, Electromyography and Chiropractic Education.
Verfaillie, C. du Rose., A., and Miller, A. Chiropractic management of non-synostotic deformational plagiocephaly in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Paediatrics. Volume 22, No. 1, June 2023.
Riipinen, P., Holmes, M., Ogilvie, S., Newell, D., Byfield, D., and Du Rose, A. Patient’s perception of exercise for management of chronic low back pain: A qualitative study exercise for the management of low back pain. Musculoskeletal Care, December; 20(4): 848-859, (2022).
Du Rose, A., Branney, J., and Breen A. Association of Spinal Manipulative Therapy with changes in cervical motion segment interactions in patients with neck pain: An observational study with matched asymptomatic controls. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 44 (2021) pp. 475-486.
Lindstrøm, R., Breen, A., Qu, N., Du Rose, A., Blogg, V., and Breen A. Novel assessment of the variation in cervical inter-vertebral motor control in a healthy pain-free population. Scientific Reports 2021.
Côté, P., Hartvigsen, J., Axén, I. et al. The global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of the literature. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 29, 8 (2021).
Bailey, D., Byfield, D., Du Rose, A., and Corkill R. Low back pain (Correspondence). The Lancet 2018, 392, 10164.
Du Rose, A., Breen, A.C., and Breen A. Relationships between muscle electrical activity and the control of inter-vertebral motion during a forward bending task. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2018, 43, (48-54).
Du Rose, A. Have Studies that Measure Lumbar Kinematics and Muscle Activity Concurrently during Sagittal Bending Improved Understanding of Spinal Stability and Sub-System Interactions? A Systematic Review. Healthcare 2018, 6, 112.
Du Rose, A.; Breen, A. Relationships between Paraspinal Muscle Activity and Lumbar Inter-Vertebral Range of Motion. Healthcare 2016, 4, 4.
Du Rose, A., and Breen, A. Relationships between lumbar inter-vertebral motion and lordosis in healthy adult males: A cross sectional cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2016, 17 (121).