Radiology Research | Health Sciences University

Radiology Research

Welcome to the Research Hub for Radiology

We are in the process of expanding our research profile following years of experience in postgraduate research in the School of Medical Ultrasound. We aim to align our research activity to the key priorities for Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy nationally:

  • Delivering technical innovation through enhancing image quality and dose optimisation in digital radiography using dose reference levels and artificial intelligence
  • Enhancing patient and public experience through a better understanding of patients’ perceptions and priorities for the clinical service provided by radiographers within clinical imaging and radiotherapy, with a particular focus on outcomes and survivorship

And in education and training, the emphasis is twofold:

  • By evolving our approaches to curriculum design supported by simulation-based education and assessment (SBEA) we can meet the challenges of new technologies and techniques by promoting a research culture and infrastructure from undergraduate level to Consultant level practice.

Risk of stochastic effects and radiation doses optimisation

Chanchal Kaushik

Contribution of radiation doses from medical X-ray examination to collective dose is significant. The aim of the study was to assess radiation doses in common digital radiographic examinations and estimate effective doses. Entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) was calculated in chest PA, cervical AP/Lat, abdomen AP, lumbar AP/Lat and pelvis AP. The results reinforce the need for radiation protection optimization, improving examination techniques and appropriate use of automatic exposure control in digital radiography.

Risk of stochastic effects and radiation doses optimisation

Chanchal Kaushik

Contribution of radiation doses from medical X-ray examination to collective dose is significant. The aim of the study was to assess radiation doses in common digital radiographic examinations and estimate effective doses. Entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) was calculated in chest PA, cervical AP/Lat, abdomen AP, lumbar AP/Lat and pelvis AP. The results reinforce the need for radiation protection optimization, improving examination techniques and appropriate use of automatic exposure control in digital radiography.

Becoming Virtually Real

Andrew Wiliams & Shelley Blane

Read an educational note from Andrew Williams and Shelley Blane outlining early experiences of using VERT for assessment at Health Sciences University. “Becoming virtually real: using the Virtual Environment for Radiotherapy Training (VERT™) platform for the summative assessment of performance in a palliative radiotherapy treatment technique” was published in the Journal of radiotherapy in Practice on Thursday 3rd March 2022.

Evaluation of a studio approach to learning to lead in clinical practice

Andrew Williams & Farrah Elsaghir

This 3-year longitudinal study will determine how different learning and teaching approaches may contribute to the understanding and application of the NHS Clinical Leadership Framework within an undergraduate, pre-registration education programme in Radiography.

Currently midway through its second year, the project has been designed to evaluate the impact of a scenario-based peer to peer learning model (known as a studio approach) with the aim of informing the development of flexible physical and digital learning resources.

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Excellence in learning, research and consultancy in the areas of Rehabilitation, Sport and Exercise, Health Science, Psychology, and Radiology.

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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