Our clinical study at the UCO has successfully recruited all the required participants!
For more information and to stay updated on the latest developments regarding the NeuOst study, please subscribe to our newsletter here.
In this study, we want to learn how patients like the NeuOst treatment and assess the feasibility of a larger study.
Recruitment was successfully completed at the end of January 2025, and the participants involved in this study will participate for approximately 16 weeks. At their first visit, the remaining participants were assigned to one of three groups: the new treatment, a similar one for comparison, or to continue their usual medical care only and have no further visits. Patients in the first two groups will have up to 5 treatment visits, and there will be two phone calls for assessments for everyone a few weeks after that. The treatments of this study will be given by fully qualified and registered osteopaths with specialist training for this study.
The study is conducted at the UCO clinic in Southwark, central London (118 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 0BQ).
Travel costs were covered (up to £11.40 per visit), and participants received £15 for each assessment as a token of appreciation for their time (up to £60).
If you would like more information and to stay updated on the latest developments regarding this study, please subscribe to our newsletter here.
For more details, the study team could be contacted at 07523629286 or via email at david.Schmidt@uco.ac.uk or sam.tan@uco.ac.uk.
Personal information is treated as private. This study received approval from the UCO Research Ethics Committee and follows UK rules.
We hope you will stay connected with the study by subscribing to our newsletter for any future updates, including the results, future trials, and being a part in our efforts to improve the lives of people with diabetes and nerve pain.