The unit will facilitate you to explore and analyse the theoretical and evidence-based underpinnings and science of commonly used pharmacological treatments. This will support you in understanding how pharmacological interventions work in individuals for whom you care, thus enabling you to empower your patients and/or their carers to make informed choices, promoting their self-management, self-assessment and self-monitoring and adherence.
You will learn through a mix of live and recorded lectures, with access to online reading materials and literature through our learning services. You will also engage with the contents taught through guided activities with your peers and staff.
Assessments for this unit will include practical assessment (100%) which will assess ILO(s) 1-3.
Course Details
How this course is taught
In this unit, you will have the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars intended to provide the overall theoretical background for practice and participate in group discussions where you will explore, share and apply knowledge applied to clinical situations. In addition, you will be encouraged to share experiences of pharmacological treatments in clinical practice to gain appreciation of the broad application of principles and practice across different patient groups, through facilitated student-led action learning groups.
You are expected to apply your new knowledge, skills and behaviours, from undertaking this unit, to your patient caseload, to work with professional colleagues in practice, building case studies and other similar evidence of your application of all of your learning and development into your professional practice, in line with your scope of practice and professional code of conduct.
Course location
Blended delivery model delivered through synchronous and asynchronous methods with additional resources available on VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).
Why you should study this unit at Health Sciences University?
Our workforce development provision is designed to be aligned with professional practice, and adopt an approach of integrated learning, teaching, and assessment that is not only developing independent learning, but encouraging students to integrate theory and practice. The approach to learning and teaching within the course emphasizes: the diversity of learners, autonomy of learning, life-long learning, and a dynamic learning experience.
What you will learn on the course
In this unit, you will develop your knowledge on the safe and cost-effective use of medicines in clinical practice, with maximum patient benefits, while minimising potential harm.
You will appraise contemporary and emerging policies and practice, whilst considering personalised care and treatment initiatives for your patient caseload, within the context of physical, mental health and pharmacological therapeutic interventions. The expanded knowledge and understanding will enhance your assessment and management of patients, through a shared, collaborative approach with the multi-disciplinary team, to determine, implement and evaluate appropriate evidence-based medicines management plans, working within your scope of practice.
How the course is assessed
Summative assessment provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes for the module.
Formative assessment and feedback provide opportunities for you to understand how to learn more effectively and how your performance can be improved or maintained.
You will consult with patients in your own area, taking back knowledge, skills, behaviours from unit learning to apply to practice, alongside your own self-directed learning and identification of relevant clinical competence, reflective discussions with student peers and professional colleagues in practice; Write up case-based discussions with a relevant professional colleague in practice, case studies with a focus on assessment and management of patients in relation to pharmacological interventions, relevant to your patient caseload. This will provide the basis for the supporting evidence used for the assessed oral presentation and assessment. You will be given the opportunity to undertake a mock presentation.
Entry Requirements
Applicants for our Professional Development Units should usually be employed as registered healthcare professionals working in relevant clinical areas. Ideally you will have a first degree in a health sciences related subject as a minimum or equivalent. If you do not meet this criteria please do contact us and we can discuss your application on a one to one basis. For units that have a work-based element, please ensure that you have your line manager’s support before applying.
Still have questions about applying?
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Why choose Health Sciences University
There are many benefits to studying at Health Sciences University, from our expertise and history in teaching health sciences, to our state-of-the-art facilities, on-site clinical training, and of course our location on the beautiful Bournemouth coast.