26 April 2025 - Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and other Spinal 'red flags' | Health Sciences University

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26 Apr 2025 - Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and other Spinal 'red flags'


This course covers evidence based differential diagnosis, assessment and management.

Course Title 26 April 2025 – Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) and other Spinal ‘red flags’
Qualification CPD
Duration 7 CPD Hours
Institution Code A65
Start Date 26 April 2025
Location Online


7-hours CPD

Registration: 09:00- 09:30

Course Schedule: 09:30-17:30


Course Details

The course will cover the assessment, diagnosis and management of Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) in the primary care setting, exploring the evidence base, current guidelines and challenges in managing this complex and highly litigious condition. We will also explore other common red flags, with a particular focus on spinal fracture, metastatic disease and infection, again covering evidence – based assessment and management of these conditions. We will work through specific case studies and integrate the use of appropriate imaging into these cases and presentations.
Osteopathic Practice Standards and other CPD elements covered:
A) Communication and patient partnership A1, A2, A3, A4, A5
B) Knowledge, skills and performance B1, B2
C) Safety and quality in practice C1, C2, C6
D) Professionalism D10
Learning outcomes:
  • Be able to appropriately identify Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES)
  • To understand the differential diagnoses for CES.
  • To understand the assessment and management of CES.
  • To understand the differential diagnoses for spinal fractures.
  • To understand the role of imaging in the management of lumbar spine red flags.
  • To explore through case studies the management of some red flag condition.
Recommended listening pre-course:
  • Physio Matters podcast on Cauda Equina Syndrome with Chris Mercer 2019
  • MACP podcast on osteosarcoma with Laura Finucane 2020
  • MACP Podcast on Cauda Equina Syndrome 2019 with Chris Mercer, Janene Holway, Sue Greenhalgh and Laura Finucane
  • Physio Matters podcast on Red Flags with Laura Finucane 2019

Timetable & Course Content

09:15 – 09:30  Registration

09:30 – 11:00  Cauda equina syndrome

11:00 – 11:30  Break

11:30 – 12:30  Spinal fracture differential diagnosis

12:30 – 13:30  Lunch

13:30 – 15:00  Case studies – breakout sessions

15:00 – 15:30  Break

15:30 – 16:30  Lumbar spinal imaging

16:30 – 17:30  Case studies and reflection on 4 themes of osteopathic practice standards

Laura Finucane

Laura is a Consultant Physiotherapist specialising in spinal conditions in the UK. She is the education and training lead for advanced practitioners and physiotherapists ensuring clinicians maintain their competency and expertise to deliver the service for SMSKP. She has been involved in a number of national projects looking to standardize training and education for advanced roles. Laura’s special interest is in serious pathologies of the spine and she has presented nationally and internationally on this subject. She has written a number of papers related to serious pathology and teaches at a postgraduate level. She is the Vice President of IFOMPT.

Chris Mercer

Chris is a Consultant Physiotherapist working in spinal and MSK services in the NHS. He has an interest in advanced practice roles and competencies, as well as a clinical interest in serious spinal pathology. He has taught and lectured on this topic together with Laura and separately, nationally and internationally, and has published in this field.
He is currently working with Laura on an international research project that is developing a clinical reasoning framework for clinicians to help in the early identification of serious spinal pathologies. He has been recognised by the physiotherapy profession, being awarded Fellowships of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

For more information contact the CPD team at cpd@uco.ac.uk.

You will be emailed information about the course approximately 1 week before the seminar.

Ultrasound machine being used in a teaching setting

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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