27 June 2025 - Communication and Consent | Health Sciences University

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27 June 2025 - Communication and Consent


Refresh your knowledge and skills in communication and consent and the regulatory standards.

Course Title 27 June 2025 – Communication and Consent
Qualification CPD
Duration 7 CPD Hours
Institution Code A65
Start Date 27 June 2025
Location Online


7-hours CPD

Registration: 09:00

Course Schedule: 09:15-17:00


Course Details

Manual therapists are required to regularly refresh their knowledge and skills in communication and consent. There is increased professional awareness of the importance of communication in practice, but the physical nature of the manual therapists interactions with patients means that there can still be issues around communication and consent.

This one-day online CPD starts with a session on what guidance is provided in the Osteopathic Practice Standards (OPS) and other GOsC documents. This will then be followed by a session on best practice in communication skills with Steven Vogel, Professor at the HSU who has extensive experience teaching these subjects to undergraduate and qualified manual therapists.

The afternoon sessions include:

  • A workshop on communication skills with Steven Vogel.

A session on issues surrounding communication and consent with children and their parents, presented by Samantha Fennell, osteopath and HSU PGCert in Specialist Paediatric Practice course leader.

The day offers a valuable opportunity for you to refresh your skills and share experiences with fellow colleagues.

Learning outcomes:

  • Refresh and upgrade your communication and consent skills and discuss experiences and scenarios with fellow colleagues.
  • Work with others to acquire the skills, knowledge base, philosophy and personal development associated with communication and consent.
  • Become familiar with the guidance given in the OPS .
  • Understand the issues in communicating with different patient groups including children.
  • Learn about incidents that have taken place within the wider healthcare arena and how they affect osteopaths working with patients.

Osteopathic practice standards and other CPD elements covered:

A) Communication and patient partnership – A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7

B) Knowledge, skills and performance – B2, B4

C) Safety and quality in practice – C2, C4, C6

D) Professionalism – D1, D2, D3, D5, D7

Timetable & Course Content

09:15 – 10:45  Communication and Consent: The Osteopathic Practice Standards and other Guidelines for Osteopaths – Steven Vogel

10:45 – 11:00  Break

11:00 – 12:45  Best Practice in Communication Skills: What does this look like in the clinical environment? – Steven Vogel

12:45 – 13:45  Break

13:45 – 15:15  Consent and communication workshop – Steven Vogel

15:15 – 15:30  Break

15:30 – 17:00  Consent and communication with paediatric patients and their parents – Samantha Fennell

Prof Steven Vogel

Steven serves as a professor at the Health Sciences University, holds the position of Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, and is a Member of the WHO Guideline Expert Review Team. His professional journey primarily focuses on research and education within the HSU-School of Osteopathy, supported by extensive clinical experience as an osteopath in NHS primary care.

Recent research endeavours have concentrated on reassurance, communication, consent, and manual therapy safety. He notably led the largest UK study on patient and osteopath experiences concerning risk management, adverse events, and consent. In the academic field, Steven has published extensively and contributed to the development of NICE’s clinical guidelines for low back pain and sciatica.

Samantha Fennell

Samantha is a former graduate of the University College of Osteopathy (now HSU-UCO School of Osteopathy), who now heads the Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist Paediatric Practice using innovation, evidence based and patient centred approaches to meet the needs of varied patients that are seen within the paediatric clinic. Samantha was a member of UCO clinic faculty for eight years before stepping into the course leader role so knows first-hand some of the challenges that students face on their journey to becoming an osteopath.

As an active member of faculty and the wider Osteopathic Community, Samantha sits on several of our committees and is part the General Osteopathic Council steering group looking at minimum standards in paediatric practice. Her specialist area is paediatrics and she continues to lecture in this subject both in the UK and Europe, delivering an evidence-based approach to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

She is an enthusiastic senior member of staff at HSU. Her passion is to see osteopathy and manual therapy recognised in remote areas of the world so regularly works alongside a UK medical team in Burma with displaced indigenous people.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

For more information contact the CPD team at cpd@uco.ac.uk.

You will be emailed information about the course approximately 1 week before the seminar.

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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