Welcoming Students from IMU | Health Sciences University

Welcoming Students from IMU

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AECC University College recently welcomed 14 Final Year Chiropractic students from the International Medical University for a two-week mobility programme. International Medical University (IMU) is a health sciences university based in Kuala Lumpur and is Malaysia’s leading private medical and healthcare university. 

The students enjoyed a comprehensive and varied programme, meeting members of staff and students from across AECC University College’s multidisciplinary community.

Programme of Events 

This included observing Fourth Year students treating patients in AECC University College’s (AECC UC) on-site Chiropractic Clinic, attending anatomy workshops with Chiropractic students in the human cadaver laboratory, and clinical imaging lectures with our DACBR and ultrasound experts.  

Students also undertook seminars in Neurology and Chiropractic Practice in pregnancy, and participated in practice learning sessions in our Simulated Practice and Learning Hub, including making use of the Anatomage table. IMU students also participated in Rehabilitation skills workshops in the University College’s £4.5million on-site Integrated Rehabilitation Centre delivered by chiropractic and exercise and health lecturers.  

Reflection by Professor Lesley Haig

Vice-Chancellor of AECC UC, Professor Lesley Haig, said: “We were very pleased to welcome students from IMU onto campus, to meet and learn with our multidisciplinary student and staff community.  

“IMU and the University College continue to celebrate a strong partnership with a shared commitment to providing excellent education and training in Chiropractic 

“We are proud of our vibrant international student community at AECC University College, and the collaboration that we encourage and enable between the different professional groups who study, practice and research here.  

“Studying with peers from different countries and backgrounds creates opportunities for our students to share ideas and get fresh perspectives, all whilst making lasting relationships with fellow students from around the world.  

“Creating a sense of belonging for all members of our community continues to be a focus for the University College and an ongoing area of development as we grow our international relationships.” 

Head of the School of Chiropractic, Philip Dewhurst, added: “This has been a fantastic opportunity for our Chiropractic students. The visit from IMU gave us the chance to connect with students from Malaysia; sharing our educational practices with them and learning from them in turn.  

“We look forward to seeing this relationship develop and grow, something that will no doubt be of huge benefit to our international Chiropractic community.”  

More About IMU 

IMU is the only university to offer a Chiropractic Degree programme in Malaysia, as well as in all of Southeast Asia, and its Chiropractic curriculum has been developed to meet high international standards. 

IMU students who complete three years of undergraduate study at IMU, become eligible to transfer to AECC UC with direct entry into the MChiro degree, allowing them to study two further years and be awarded an AECC UC degree.  

IMU Programme Leader, Dr Wong Yi Kai said: “IMU is pleased to work with AECC UC as a mobility and articulation partner. This partnership allows for greater collaboration between the two institutions and creates opportunities for students to benefit from a wider range of educational experiences.” 

Above: Visiting students from IMU.

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