General Policies and Procedures | Health Sciences University
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General Policies and Procedures

Code of Practice for the Prosection Laboratory

Our Prosection Laboratory is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and regulated under the 2004 Human Tissue Act to store specially prepared specimens for health professional education.

All users of the Prosection Laboratory are required to follow the Code of Practice set out below.

Code of Practice for the Prosection Laboratory

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Religion and Belief Policy

This document sets out the religion and belief policy.

Religion and Belief Policy

Student Protection Plan
Prevent Policy
Bursaries and Scholarships Policies

This policy applies to undergraduate students only enrolling in 2023-2024.

The policy in operation for students who enrolled in 2022-2023 and 2021-2022 can also be found below.

For students enrolling in earlier years, please contact the Health Sciences University Registry Team.

Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2023/24

Last updated: 18/01/2024
Version: 1.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2023/24

Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2022/23

Last updated: 07/06/2022
Version: 1.1
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2022/23

Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2021/22

Version: 1.0
Policy owner: Academic Registrar

Download Bursaries and Scholarships Policy 2021/22

Copyright Policy

This document sets out the copyright policy at Health Sciences University.


Freedom of Speech Policy

This document sets out the freedom of speech policy. It was updated in October 2022 in line with the Prevent agenda, and again in November 2023.



Harassment Policy and Procedure for Students

This document sets out the Harassment Policy and Procedure for Students,


IT acceptable use policy

This document sets out the IT acceptable use policy at Health Sciences University.


IT Security and Password Policy

This policy defines the framework by which the HSU’s computer systems, assets, infrastructure and computing environment will be protected from threats whether internal, external, deliberate or accidental, including setting our users’ responsibilities.

It includes a section on password complexity requirements which students must adhere to for any University College accounts.


Online assessment handling and use of Turnitin policy and procedures

This policy sets out the requirements, expectations and operational procedures in support of online assessment handling and the use of the Turnitin text matching service. The University College uses Turnitin for the electronic management of assessment, enabling students to submit work electronically, and fir it to be marked and moderated by staff in the same way.

The policy includes information on students’ responsibilities in respect of electronic submission of work.


Online Safeguarding Policy

This policy contain procedures for delivering online outreach activities with under 18’s. This should be read alongside the institutional safeguarding policy.


Public academic information policy

This policy sets out the principles the University College follows in relation to the information we provide publicly about out academic activities, and ways in which we put these principles into practice to ensure the quality and accuracy of our published information.


Research Ethics policy

This policy provides guidance about conducting ethical research and  provides details of the Health Sciences University process and procedure for ensuring appropriate consideration and ethical approval of research by staff and students.



Rules Related to Library & Learning Services

This document sets out the rules relating to library and learning services use.


Safeguarding and Prevent Policies

This is the overarching safeguarding policy for Health Sciences University. It includes procedures to follow in the case of a safeguarding issue arising and key safeguarding contacts within the University College.

Health Sciences University is committed to protecting freedom of speech and academic freedom together with protecting and safeguarding its students and staff from the risk of being drawn into terrorism.

Th Prevent Policy sets out the way we meets our obligations and responsibilities with reference to the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which places a duty on universities to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.’

Safeguarding Policy
Last updated: May 2023
Policy Owner: Deputy Vice Chancellor

Download Safeguarding Policy

Prevent Policy v2.1
Last updated: June 2022
Policy Owner: Academic Registrar

Download Prevent Policy

Student Name Policy

This document sets out the student name policy at Health Sciences University.



Whistleblowing Policy

This policy sets out how governors, students, those contracted to supply services to the University College and  everyone who works for the University College can raise  concerns if they believe that wrongdoing or malpractice is taking place within the University College.

If you raise a concern that you believe to be true then we will protect you from punishment or reprisal, even if your concern proves to have been mistaken.



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Tylah Strauss

We recently caught up with Tylah to hear more about why she chose the online MSc Musculoskeletal Paediatric Health course.

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