Mission & Vision | Health Sciences University

Our Mission and Vision

A winter tree on AECC campus

Fit for the Future

Our mission is to ‘create a healthier society through education, research and clinical care’ and is as relevant today as it was 60 years ago.

Our mission, vision and community focus articulate our position as a specialist health sciences institution. Discover more about our community partnerships, access and participation projects and upcoming events; promoting and sharing our knowledge of health sciences.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to ‘create a healthier society through education, research and clinical care’ and is as relevant today as it was 60 years ago. It is especially pertinent as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic to face significant challenges and uncertainties.

Woman studying

Our Vision

Our vision is “To be a leading specialist health sciences university providing excellent education, clinical care and applied research. We will become an important anchor institution serving Dorset and our local communities, recognised nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence.” This will drive the next phase of our institutional journey as we continue to develop and diversify our academic portfolio and patient services.

Our Values and Strategic Aims

Our values set out to guide not just what we do but also ‘how’ we do things. We have lived and breathed these values through the pandemic and are proud to stand by them.

AECC Library

Strategic Aims

The six strategic aims that we at Health Sciences University are working towards.

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Trees outside of the main campus building

Our Values

Our values are to be caring, professional, passionate and inclusive.

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Latest News

Discover and read all the latest news, press releases and happenings here at Health Sciences University.

Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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