Accreditations | Health Sciences University

Accrediting & Auditing Bodies

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Our Accreditations

We are pleased to have received accreditation, approval and endorsement from a number of external education and international assessors and accreditation bodies.

QAA - Quality Assurance Agency

We have undergone a review for educational oversight by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and have received our final report, which is available in full over at the QAA Website.

We have received the following judgements from QAA:

• The quality of the information about learning opportunities meets UK expectations.
• The enhancement of student learning opportunities is commended.

(As a result of the recent grant of TDAP the review did not focus on the other judgement areas)

We have developed an action plan to respond to the recommendations and affirmations, and to explain how we will capitalise on the identified good practice.

Download our HER Action Plan

QAA Logo

Home Office UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)

Health Sciences University holds a Sponsor licence with the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration. We can be found on the register of licenced sponsors here.

General Chiropractic Council (GCC)

Appointed by Parliament, the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is responsible for the regulation and development of the chiropractic profession. The GCC regulates chiropractic education in the UK to make sure chiropractors are trained to deliver high levels of patient care and safety. To do this they set standards and check that education and training providers, as well as chiropractors, are working to these standards. The GCC has recognised the following University College courses:

Master of Chiropractic MChiro (Hons)

Recognised without condition for a period of five years. Approved by the Privy Council in September 2015. View the Recognition Report on the GCC Website. The course is currently under review.

Two-year MSc Chiropractic course

Recognised without condition from September 2018. Approved by the Privy Council in August 2018. View the Recognition Report on the GCC Website.

GCC accreditation is no longer time-limited but is subject to the satisfactory outcome of annual monitoring, and to the University College keeping the GCC informed of any significant changes that might affect the provision of the course.

Anyone wishing to practise as a Chiropractor in the UK must register with the GCC by law.

ECCE - European Council on Chiropractic Education

An autonomous organisation established by the chiropractic profession in Europe, responsible for accrediting and re-accrediting institutions providing undergraduate chiropractic education and training. The HSU was re-accredited by the ECCE in 2016 for a period of five years. See the Evaluation report on the ECCE Website.

Accreditation by both the GCC and the ECCE means that our students are qualified to apply for registration with the GCC, have the ability to work across European countries and are eligible in most accredited areas worldwide.

Consortium for Accreditation of Sonographic Education (CASE)

The MSc Medical Ultrasound course is accredited by CASE. CASE’s philosophy is to promote best ultrasound practice through accreditation of those training programmes that develop safe and competent practitioners. This should be delivered at postgraduate level. The majority of its activities relate to supporting those institutions that offer, or wish to offer courses leading to the award of Masters, Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate in Medical or Clinical Ultrasound.

The MSc in Medical Ultrasound underwent Health Sciences University periodic (six-yearly) review and re-accreditation from CASE in February 2018. It was confirmed on 29 August 2018 that the course has been accredited by CASE for a period of six years with effect from February 2018.


British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

The BSc (Hons) Sport, Exercise and Health Science course is endorsed by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) (the professional body for sport and exercise scientists in the UK), from September 2019 to September 2024.

BASES endorsement is awarded to courses that meet criteria covering the necessary foundation of sport and exercise science knowledge, technical skills and professional development competencies required to succeed in the profession.

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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