Governance and Leadership | Health Sciences University
Front of AECC main building

Governance and Leadership

How Health Sciences University operates

Health Sciences University operate within frameworks set by Government, regulators and our own internal policies and procedures.

Our Governors and Executive Board ensure that external and internal objectives are met, monitored and achieved.

A Tree next to the AECC Main Building

Board of Governors

The University is directed by its Board of Governors acting under these Articles of Association.

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Student in AECC Library using a laptop

Strategy & Plans

The University Strategic Plan for 2021-2026 which has been reviewed and approved by our Board of Governors.

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staff member pointing at some paper work

Quality Assurance

Our quality framework outlines the policies and procedures to ensure maintenance and enhancement of the quality of our academic standards and student experience.

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Male student reading a piece of paper

Latest Policies

Find our our latest academic policies, quality assurance policies, academic regulations and procedures.

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Two female students studying in the library

Statements & Agreements

Find our our latest institutional statements and agreements

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Files in a shelf


Find our our latest institutional reports.

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Governance structure

Here we outline our Governance structure and the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the leadership of the Health Sciences University.

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It is governed by its Articles of Association which were last amended in August 2024.

Our Board of Governors

The University is directed by its Board of Governors acting under these Articles of Association. The Board has ultimate responsibility for the strategy, performance and sustainability of the institution. It approves the University’s mission and strategy, monitors institutional performance and ensures its effective management. The current Chair of the Board is Ms Jeni Bremner.

The Articles of Association mandate that the number of Board members (who fulfil the role of directors for company law purposes) is not less than twelve and (unless otherwise determined by ordinary resolution) not greater than twenty-five.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University, the Staff Governor, and the Student Union President and Vice-President are ex officio members. The rest of the Board members are independent lay members appointed for their expertise.

The Board actively endeavours to maintain the skills mix required for an effective Board, and where a skills gap is identified, nominations for new Governors are sought in a variety of ways, including advertising, through National Associations, and publicising vacancies to staff and graduates of the University. Applications for independent governors of the Board are considered by the Governance & Nominations Committee before a recommendation is made to the Board. Appointments are for four years and may be renewed for a second term of office. All new governors receive a full induction. A Register of Interests is held by the University Secretary and details the interests of members of the Board; this is renewed annually.

The Board meets at least four times a year. It has a number of standing Committees which meet regularly between Board meetings:

  • Audit & Risk Assurance Committee oversees the appointment of the internal and external auditors, and gives assurance to the Board on internal controls, compliance, risk management, fraud and irregularity, and value for money.
  • Finance & Performance Committee is responsible for the detailed scrutiny of the proposed budget and its subsequent management. The Committee also monitor and review the performance against the budget, reporting to the Board.
  • The Governance & Nominations Committee provides assurance to the Board that the institution is meeting all regulatory requirements relating to governance. The Committee also reviews the composition of the Board of Governors, its committees and subsidiary boards to ensure the appropriate skills, experience, competencies and diversity are represented, making recommendations to the Board for the appointment of Governors.
  • People & Place Committee has oversight of HR policies and procedures and their effectiveness as well as wider HR matters. The Committee also oversees the development and delivery of the Estates Strategy.
  • Remuneration Committee considers the salary and conditions of service of the Vice-Chancellor, and of the Executive Team.

The management and academic committee structure is overseen by the Board of Governors and Academic Board

For more information see our Governance Management and Academic Committee structure and our Academic Board and Standing Committees Terms of Reference.

A winter tree on AECC campus

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to ‘create a healthier society through education, research and clinical care’ and is as relevant today as it was 57 years ago.

Our mission, vision and community focus articulate our position as a specialist health sciences institution. Discover more about our community partnerships, access and participation projects and upcoming events; promoting and sharing our knowledge of health sciences.

drone shot of the university building by air

Community & Partners

We foster positive relationships with universities, funding bodies, governments, student associations, businesses and communities both nationally and internationally.

We may have a global outlook, but we’re also firmly rooted in the local community and love to get involved wherever we can.

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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© 2025 Health Sciences University | Company limited by guarantee | Registered in England No: 00653859 | VAT No: 896 1199 74 | Exempt Charity -